Our TY students took part in the BLAST Residency Programme initiative, organised in conjunction with the Department of Education. Visiting artist, Isabella Dogliani, worked with a number of Transition Year students as part of their work experience to create and produce a completed artwork. They created the stop motion film, “The Neverending Forest” during their week. Through a range of steps, media and collaborative work, the girls engaged in storyboarding, narrative and character development and then through the modes of both 2 dimensional(drawing and painting) and 3 dimensional (clay and sculpture) creation, brought the story to life. Alongside this, they photographed the process, pieced their imagery together to create the stop motion animation, professionally recorded all of the voiceovers and finally, as if that wasn’t enough, the girls also wrote the score that guides us through the story. It is a true demonstration of creativity. Well done to Aoibhe, Holly, Ly and Winny, for producing this piece of work and thank you to the Art Department for facilitating this initiative. Watch the movie below.