Think Languages Week kick-started on Monday 27th November with a blast of spoken word. Activities in the Foyer at lunchtime included: Idioms of the World such the very wise Portuguese  “Filho de peixe sabe nadar” or translated to English – A fish’s child knows how to swim; saying Hello / Dzień dobry in different languages; Flag recognition; and the always entertaining What do animals say? Apparently not all frogs say rebbit.

A number of Transition year students will attend UCC on Tuesday for the Fluent Futures event and there will be a Speed Greeting activity at lunchtime. Thursday celebrates Culture Day and the week finishes off on Friday with a language Treasure Hunt.

There are at least 30 languages other than English spoken by students in our school. This week, we encourage every student to learn new words and phrases that are represented by one of these many nationalities.