St Aloysius is proud to be a member of CEIST (Catholic Education An Irish Schools’ Trust). CEIST is the Trustee body for 107 Voluntary Catholic Secondary Schools in Ireland. The vision, mission and core values of CEIST are outlined below. 


A compassionate and just society inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.


To provide a holistic education in the Catholic tradition.

Promoting Spiritual and Human Derelopment

We believe a knowledge of and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ give meaning and purpose to our lives.

Creating Community

Our schools are faith communities of welcome and hospitality where Gospel values are lived and where there is special care for those most in need.

Achieving Quality in Teaching and Learning

We are committed to excellence and to continually improving the quality or teaching and learning.

Being Just and Responsible

We seek to act justly and responsibly in all our relationships.

Showing Respect for Every Person

We respect the unique and intrinsic value of every person.