Evaluations & Reports

Evaluations & Reports

School Self Evaluation

Department Inspection Reports

St. Aloysius’ Secondary School has a tradition and culture of engagement with School Development Planning. The school development planning process has since evolved into the School Self Evaluation process.

Each year the school identifies areas for review and development. A School Self-Evaluation Report (SSER) is published to outline the review process and a School Improvement Plan (SIP) is also published identifying strategies for improvement in certain areas.

The process includes consultation with staff, students and parents and reports are presented to the Board of Management prior to publication. This structure, recommended by the Department of Education and Skills (DES), provides a structure through which the school continues to focus on improving the high quality of education provided to students.

The Department of Education and Skills carry out inspections in all schools and report on their findings. Our most recent inspection was a Whole School Evaluation in 2016. Department inspection reports are downloadable from the ‘Useful Documents’ page, or from the Department of Education website.